编译OpenWrt固件,Build your custom OpenWrt firmware



wr703n要下载attitude adjustment分支(对应12.09),下载到12.09目录

$ git clone git://git.openwrt.org/12.09/openwrt.git 12.09


$ cd 12.09
$ ./scripts/feeds update -a
$ ./scripts/feeds install -a


$ make menuconfig


$ wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/attitude_adjustment/12.09/ar71xx/generic/config.ar71xx_generic
$ ln -sv config.ar71xx_generic .config


$ make V=s


另外,可以用make defconfig先生成一个默认配置,然后make download下载各个包的源代码(保存在dl目录),以后每次make distclean的时候先重命名一下dl目录,不要删除了,可以节省时间

select a target before “make defconfig” or default broadcom is selected:

echo CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx=y > .config
make defconfig

Then is advisable to run make without any further modification to menuconfig for test and debug purposes. If fail at this point must fill a bug and wait another revision…
BUT, before any make is advisable to download sources at once:

echo CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx=y > .config
make defconfig
make download

This fill up “dl” directory, so the real time saver is keep “dl” away from distclean reach:

echo CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx=y > .config
make defconfig
ln -sf ../../dl
make download

Finally if all goes well you are free to issue “make menuconfig” and go on.


Cleaning Up

You might need to clean your build environment every now and then. The following make-targets are useful for that job:


make clean

deletes contents of the directories /bin and /build_dir.


make dirclean

deletes contents of the directories /bin and /build_dir and additionally /staging_dir and /toolchain (=the cross-compile tools) and/logs. ‘Dirclean’ is your basic “Full clean” operation.


make distclean

nukes everything you have compiled or configured and also deletes all downloaded feeds contents and package sources.

CAUTION: In addition to all else, this will erase your build configuration (<buildroot_dir>/.config), your toolchain and all other sources. Use with care!

There are numerous other functionalities in the OpenWrt build system, but the above should have covered some of the fundamentals.

Clean small part

In more time, you may not want to clean so many objects, then you can use some of the commands below to do it.

Clean linux objects.

make target/linux/clean

Clean package base-files objects.

make package/base-files/clean

Clean luci.

make package/feeds/luci/luci/clean