关于重载决议:boost::is_base_and_derived和Move Constructors中的手法

Generic<Programming>: Move Constructors by Andrei Alexandrescu

see source code

。。。 。。。

Now in starting to overload Connect, an idea would be to define Connect(const String&) to catch "genuine" constant objects. This, however, would be a mistake because this declaration will "eat" all String objects — be they lvalues or temporaries. So the first good idea is to not declare a function that accepts a const reference, because it swallows all objects like a black hole.

A second try is to define Connect(String&) in an attempt to catch non-const lvalues. This works well, and in particular const values and unnamed temporaries can’t be "eaten" by this overload — a good start. Now we only have to differentiate between const objects and non-const temporaries.

To do this, the technique we apply is to define two "type sugar" classes ConstantString and TemporaryString, and to define conversion operators from String to those objects:

class String;

// "type sugar" for constant Strings
struct ConstantString
const String obj;

// "type sugar" for temporary Strings
// (explanation coming)
struct TemporaryString : public ConstantString {};

class String
… constructors, destructors,
operations, you name it …
operator ConstantString() const
ConstantString result;
result.obj = this;
return result;
operator TemporaryString()
TemporaryString result;
result.obj_ = this;
return result;

So now String defines two conversion operators. One notable difference between them is that TemporaryString doesn’t apply to const String objects.

Now say you define the following three overloads:

// binds to non-const temporaries
void Connect(TemporaryString);
// binds to all const objects (lvalues AND temporaries)
void Connect(ConstantString);
// binds to non-const lvalues
void Connect(String& str)
// just forward to the other overload
// since ContantString has no constructor taking a String as parameter,
// two convertion route exist:
// str —> str const —> ConstantString
// str —> TemporaryString —> ConstantString // #1

Here’s how it all works. Constant String objects are "attracted" by Connect(ConstantString). There is no other binding that could work; the other two work for non-const Strings only.

Temporary objects can’t go to Connect(String&). They could, however, go to either Connect(TemporaryString) or Connect(ConstantString), and the former overload must be chosen unambiguously. That’s the reason for deriving TemporaryString from ConstantString, a trick that deserves some attention.

Consider for a moment that ConstantString and TemporaryString were totally independent types. Then, when prompted to copy a temporary object, the compiler would be equally motivated to go either:

operator TemporaryY() —> Y(TemporaryY)


operator ConstantY() const —> Y(ConstantY)

Why the equal motivation? This is because the non-const to const conversion is "frictionless" as far as selecting member functions is concerned. (两个不同参数的函数,两个用户自定义转换,因此两个转换一样好,see C++ primer ———–> this is not the case!!! see the following)

for void Connect(ConstantString);
Y —> Y const —> Constant (UDC)
Y —> Temporary (UDC) —> Constant
for void Connect(TemporaryString);
Y —> Temporary (UDC)

for the first function, choose the second conversion, for the second, there is only one choice.
finally the last conversion is chosen obviously.

//Testing source code:
class String;
struct ConstantString
    const String obj_;

struct TemporaryString : public ConstantString

class String
    operator ConstantString() const
        cout << "operator ConstantString() const" << endl;
    operator TemporaryString()
        cout << "operator TemporaryString()" << endl;

void test(ConstantString s){}

int main()
    return 0;

output : operator TemporaryString()

【 note
// compiled by g++-3.4.4 & VC8.0
struct Class
    operator int() const
        cout << "int() const" << endl;
        return 0;
    operator int()
        cout << "int()" << endl;
        return 0;
int main()
    Class a;
    int i = Class();   // output "int()", so by default a r-value temparory is not treated as const

The need, therefore, is to give the compiler more "motivation" to choose the first route than the second. That’s where the inheritance kicks in. Now the compiler says: "Ok, I guess I could go through ConstantString or TemporaryString… but wait, the derived class TemporaryString is a better match!"

The rule in action here is that matching a derived class is considered better than matching a base class when selecting a function from an overloaded set.

Finally, an interesting twist — the inheritance doesn’t necessarily have to be public. Access rules are orthogonal onto overloading rules. ( If private, #1 will be error by gcc: ConstantString' is an inaccessible base ofTemporaryString’, because conversion to the private base of TemporaryString leads to inaccessibility. This error can be eliminated by adding to class ConstantString a constructor taking a String as parameter , ie ConstantString(const String &){} )



template <typename B, typename D>
struct bd_helper
    template <typename T>
    static type_traits::yes_type check_sig(D const volatile , T);
    static type_traits::no_type check_sig(B const volatile
, int);

template<typename B, typename D>
struct is_base_and_derived_impl2
    struct Host
        operator B const volatile () const;
        operator D const volatile
    static const bool value = sizeof(bd_helper<B,D>::check_sig(Host(), 0)) == sizeof(type_traits::yes_type);
// Host() 临时对象是一个右值

Let’s take the multiple base class below as an example, and the following
will also show why there’s not a problem with private or ambiguous base

struct B {};
struct B1 : B {};
struct B2 : B {};
struct D : private B1, private B2 {};

is_base_and_derived<B, D>::value;

First, some terminology:

SC - Standard conversion
UDC - User-defined conversion

A user-defined conversion sequence consists of an SC, followed by an UDC,
followed by another SC. Either SC may be the identity conversion.

When passing the default-constructed Host object to the overloaded check_sig()
functions (initialization 8.5/14/4/3), we have several viable implicit
conversion sequences:

For "static no_type check_sig(B const volatile , int)" we have the conversion

C -> C const (SC - Qualification Adjustment) -> B const volatile
C -> D const volatile (UDC) -> B1 const volatile / B2 const volatile ->
     B const volatile
(SC - Conversion)

For "static yes_type check_sig(D const volatile , T)" we have the conversion

C -> D const volatile

According to, in context of user-defined conversion only the
standard conversion sequence is considered when selecting the best viable
function, so it only considers up to the user-defined conversion. For the
first function this means choosing between C -> C const and C -> C, and it
chooses the latter, because it’s a proper subset ( of the
former. Therefore, we have:

【 C++ primer
class SmallInt {
    SmallInt( int ival ) : value( ival ) { }
    SmallInt( double dval )
    : value( static_cast< int >( dval ) )
    { }
extern void manip( const SmallInt & );
int main() {
    double dobj;
    manip( dobj ); //ok: SmallInt( double )

【 C++ primer
class Number {
    operator float();
    operator int();
Number num;
float ff = num;   // operator float()

【 C++ primer
class SmallInt {
    operator int();
    operator float();
    // …
void compute( float );
void compute( char );
SmallInt si ( 68 );
main() {
    compute( si ); // 二义的


C -> D const volatile (UDC) -> B1 const volatile / B2 const volatile ->
     B const volatile
(SC - Conversion)
C -> D const volatile (UDC)

Here, the principle of the "shortest subsequence" applies again, and it
chooses C -> D const volatile
. This shows that it doesn’t even need to
consider the multiple paths to B, or accessibility, as that possibility is
eliminated before it could possibly cause ambiguity or access violation.

If D is not derived from B, it has to choose between C -> C const -> B const
volatile for the first function, and C -> D const volatile for the second
function, which are just as good (both requires a UDC,, had it not
been for the fact that "static no_type check_sig(B const volatile , int)" is
not templated, which makes C -> C const -> B const volatile
the best choice
(13.3.3/1/4), resulting in "no".

Also, if Host::operator B const volatile hadn’t been const, the two
conversion sequences for "static no_type check_sig(B const volatile
, int)", in
the case where D is derived from B, would have been ambiguous.


C++ primer


    限定修饰转换(这种转换只影响指针,它将限定修饰符const或volatile 或两者加到指针指向的类型上)


一个标准(standard) 转换序列潜在地由下列转换以下列顺序构成:
这种转换序列被称为标准(standard) 转换序列,还有另外一种转换序列被称为用户定义
的user-defined 转换序列。

限定转换(把const 或volatile 修饰符加到指针指向的类型上的转换)具有精确匹配的等
void reset( int );
void reset( const int